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The Cutting Edge of Moral Degradation

February 12, 2013

Anyone wishing look at the gay issues facing our society ought to be able to look at it transparently.

The gay community has done well to keep this issue in our faces. Personally, I’d rather just live my life without being bombarded with how a person has sex. I wish they’d just keep it to themselves. For me, it’s like an enormous neon sign glowing in the dark that says, ‘WE DO IT IN THE ANUS!” “We’re Sodomites!” “Fudge packers!” “Back Door Man” And to make it worse, to be politically correct, we’re supposed to affirm this to be normal, and anyone who doesn’t affirm it to be normal is homophobic. It reminds me of the Act of Supremacy of 1534 –anyone in England who would not affirm King Henry VIII to be the highest power on earth (at least on English soil) was put to death. It was the undoing of Sir Thomas More and many others just like him that in their heart of hearts just couldn’t affirm this foolish act.

Such is the ‘equality’ of same sex practice. I have reconciled that the laws that guarantee my freedoms also guarantee the freedom for others to do things that I may not like. So if two men want to go for each other’s anuses or if a woman wants to strap on an artificial penis and penetrate another woman, as much as I loathe it I won’t stand in the way.

If the CEO goes home, reads the news, sips his coffee or a martini, then disrobes and puts on women’s garments – stockings and panties – and his boyfriend comes over and begins to chase him around the house with a whip… go for it. Do what you want, but why do I have to believe this is normal?

It’s not natural or normal for children to have two mommies and no daddy, or two daddys and no mommie.

It’s natural for a bride and groom to become husband and wife; it’s totally bizarre for two grooms to become husband and husband, or two brides becoming wife and wife. That makes no sense at all.

An adult that is sexually attracted to young teenagers (or younger) of the same sex in some Sanduskian environment doesn’t set well with me at all.

The argument for equality is that two men’s or two women’s love for each other is as real as heterosexual love, so therefore their relationship is as equal. But love culminates in the physical union; so the foundation of the homosexual argument is that their sexual practices are as normal as heterosexual practices and therefore must be made equal.

Is it really equal? Can it be compared with the equal rights challenge that people of color or women have had to fight? Was Barak Obama right to lump homosexual rights in with slavery and woman’s suffrage?

Another issue is anytime anyone denounces homosexuality as immoral, proponents of homosexual rights cry out “Foul’!, You cannot shove your morality and your religion down my throat, morality is archaic”.

And so this issue is the cutting edge of dismantling the moral fiber of our society. They continue relentlessly to dismantle moral principles that have been the foundation of society for thousands of years.

Next – prostitution will be legal.

Nudity laws will be repealed.

Sexual acts in public will be legal.

Why bar certain words from public anymore?

No more restrooms labeled “Ladies” and “Gentlemen”.

If a lesbian can be a scout master of a troop of girls, why can’t a man be their scout master? Let’s let him take them to the showers. Let him shower with them! And let’s allow a woman to take the boys to their showers! Sheeze! We’re all messed up!

Decency will have lost all meaning.

Impossible? How far do we go if morality becomes archaic?

Looking at it from the perspective of history, it’s never been immoral to be a particular color or immoral to be a woman. So this issue cannot be compared to slavery or women’s suffrage.

Thomas Jefferson said about religious tolerance:

“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”

In my forty years of counseling families and helping children, I have observed children who were not sheltered from the immorality of their parents. By the time they were eight years old they have seen it all; there’s no more growing up to do except physically; their childhood and innocence is, in essence, stripped away from them. And when they are grown physically, they begin to act out the things they have become accustomed to as children. And worst of all, in no way was their lives enhanced or improved by their raw life’s experiences. By the time they’re 18 years old, they’ve been there done that. And in many cases, there’s little left to look forward to. This is the consequence of a society without morals.

How much I’d like to say that this issue neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. But the dismantling of morality does something far worse. It destroys the cornerstones of our society.

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One Comment
  1. ” morality is archaic”.”

    No. Morality is fine. The morality that some people cling to has parts that are archaic and nonsensical.

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